This week, I’m taking seven to tell you about the joys and sorrows of Motherhood. 


I need to set one thing straight. I’m a first time mom with a 7 month old son. My husband is being held hostage (not literally!!) by the US Air Force and is living 1400 miles away from us. By many standards I’m a single momma. But I need to make in clear that I don’t know everything and I’m constantly seeking advice from others. This is obvious by an earlier post asking for help about cloth diapering and offering the chance to win a $10 Babies “R” Us Giftcard in exchange. 


If your baby has never had a diaper rash and is still in diapers, don’t assume he/she will not get one. My son has had 0 diaper rash problems since he was born. That being said, this week..he got one. A major one. (Or rather two if you count both cheeks.) The pain I feel for my baby is not equivalent to the pain he feels when he’s wiped/patted/or held by his bottom. 


If you ever need help, it’s there, and there, and there. It’s everyone. Really. Your mom, your mother-in-law, your father-in-law (really!) and this lovely invention called internet social groups. I’m part of several private and public forums for moms, consultants of the same business as mine, coupon junkies. Help is there, you just need to ask for it. 


Cloth diapers really are worth the effort. This comes from someone who uses disposables. I use them because I always feared the work it would take to use cloth diapers. And the disgusting cleaning job. But in the past few months and way more in the last week, I’m leaning toward switching to them. Or at least trying them out. If anyone has had experience using Fuzzi Bunz diapers, let me know anything I should know about them. But comment in this post so that you can get an entry into my giftcard giveaway


When your baby talks. Listen. Even if all you hear is “Bwaaah neau shhhhhuuu bu bwa thhhu pfff.” Because I promise you, if you can carry on a conversation, one day it will pay off when you’re trying to tell them about “the birds and the bees” because they’ll already know you’re willing to listen. 


Coupons can be amazing. I’m blessed to have found two website that have been so beneficial to my fight to financial freedom. and Savings Angel. I joined the Huggies Baby Network back when I was about 8 month pregnant with Abel. Every month since then (count em…that’s about 8!) I’ve been getting coupons in the mail. It’s always the same 3 coupons but I look forward to them. Why? You can’t beat two coupons for $3.00 off diapers. You really can’t. 

And Savings Angel has been great because it’s an online community of couponers who share links to printable coupons (I printed 22 today, for a savings of $26.80.) and the best feature about the website, they highlight the current sales at many leading grocery stores including Walmart, Target, Kroger, Publix, Rainbow…and so on so that you can know the store deals without buying the newspaper or waiting until you get to the store. So you can plan your list accordingly and get the right coupons BEFORE you head out the door! 


As I close out this edition of Quick Takes, I want to take a quick moment to thank my husband. He does so much for us and sacrifices so much. It’s been almost 4 long months since he left for basic training. It’s been almost 1 month since he graduated from BMT and moved to Mississippi for job training. He’s missed over half of his son’s life. Why? Because he’s supporting his son, his wife, and most of all, he’s supporting all the sons, wives, daughters, mothers, fathers, etc in this country. I love my husband and I couldn’t imagine life without him. That said, I’m excited to announce that in just 2 weeks, my son and I are moving to Gulfport, MS so that my brave husband doesn’t have to miss another weekend with our baby. Wish us luck! We’ll need it! 

Just a note. Conversion Diary isn’t hosting an official 7 Quick Takes this Friday, however I’m still linking to her main page. 
And…I’m providing a Mister Linky list for you to post a link to your 7 Quick Takes this week! Don’t worry, I’m not hosting this full time, I’m just taking it on for this week. The Mister Linky may be a bit different than normal, please bear with me…I’m not an expert 😉